Monday, June 5, 2017

Korean Traditional Musical Instruments at Korean Public School

Korean elementary students are required to learn musical instruments at school. A friend of mine who has a first grader this year had to buy a set which includes a triangle, Korean traditional gong of sorts with cute wooden drumsticks.

As for my son, I had to buy a recorder when he was in 4th grade, and Danso/Tanso the following year.  It pays if a foreign parent has an idea about these so they can pick up one in advance before the teacher requires the student to bring one the very next day. I really hate those last minute buys. Either the teacher tells the student a day before or even if the teacher tells them way in advance, the student forgets it and remembers it just on that specific morning.

Grr...I remember having to jump out early morning in late winter, (just before the school year has barely started so it was still pretty cold morning) having to go with my BIL and son to grab his art supplies. Kid was already in 4th grade but we were all pretty new to the place so it was pretty much an adjustment to everything. From then, I tried to stay on top of things having typical school supplies on hand. Fortunately, my son is growing and has learned that I am not a magician. :)

So before I ditch and clean out this danso remnants, I'll just have to post the photo of the finger chart for this Korean flute.

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