For the past three months, P has been going to church every week to join the Little Voices choral practice. He has always maintained high level of interest and consistent enthusiasm every week. A couple of months ago, their teacher announced that the group will be performing on the 28th of March. Since then, he'll be checking the calendar quite so often or ask every morning if it is 28th yet. The excitement in the little kid was so evident. He really liked the idea of rehearsal and singing.
The grandparents were also very supportive in this. They see how interested the kid is and they sure go all out for that.
28th came and P woke up in the wrong side of the bed. He didn't cooperate in preparing for the morning schedule so he ended up missing half of it. Good thing is that the main performance was in the afternoon and by that time, he all set and ready to do his part.
Upon the invitation of the little kid himself, the father has no other choice but to come despite the temperature that was raging outside. It was a really hot and sunny day. P had lunch at the Grandma's so hubby and I went to the church by ourselves, almost the same time that the Grandma and P arrived. After waiting for people to get there, the program finally started at past three pm. A lot of people turned up, mostly parents of the performers. ;)
The group is still in its maiden stage (barely 3 months old) and they opened the program with their prayer songs. Afterwhich was the Hospital Kids Choir who was more "mature" in their rendition of their pieces. Sure there were some "naughty" ones but, the performance level was just a notch higher than the local group. It was followed by another set of guest performers from a local school. This time, grade school students violinist. It was also refreshing to hear famous religious songs played with the violin live. By the time the local group went up the stage for their next part, the kids are already pumped up and the nerves were less that they were able to turn up their volume some more.
"it was very very good" - typewritten by Pilip
As for P's performance review, I believe he did well. The nerve got to him during his solo part causing his volume to decrease, but his actions were just right. He didn't fumbled on the lyrics nor the actions except for the volume. There was a bit of mic glitch but even when it was fixed, we still barely heard him. There was also this part that all the kids were to wait for their turn to sing while a soloist was singing the part. The thing is P somehow sang along and did the action with the soloist. And when he noticed that all the kids weren't doing the same thing, it quite cute watching his face.That didn't dampen his mood and so he had a good time all through out the day.
Mommy's note:
During the part that P and his group were waiting for their turn, they had to stay seated the benches. Most of the kids would be going here and there (to their parents, etc.) and sometimes even chat with their mates. Almost everyone did except for P. (and maybe two more smaller kiddos, ok.) Even up performing, he was just the "model" student. Hah! I wonder how long will he stay like that.
After the performance, the kids were given some snacks. P wasn't really big on spaghetti these days but he sure ate well that day. He looked tired but happy. And since the day was still good (even with the very sunny weather), we decided to go to Baywalk before heading home.
Every kid's performance in public is really important. Personally, I am not a big fan of these kind of stuff but the self-confidence that is being develop in these little ones are really something that we should always keep in mind. Sure, it may entail time, money and other resources on our part but the lesson of sharing, discipline and self confidence for them is enough.
TO be continued..
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