Monday, July 18, 2011

Homeroom Clean-up (Super Late Classroom Brigade)

We just did a quick makeover of my kid's G1 classroom today. MF1 was the one who informed me of the plan. Since I was going to wait for my kiddo anyway, I pitched in and dragged MF2 to help out too. Just between 4 Moms, the Adviser and 1 Dad, we managed to hung the new curtains, sweep the floor a bit more thoroughly and discard some unwanted things in the room. I wish somebody took some photos of my Mom Friends climbing up the windows and step ladder.

After more than a month, the room finally looked like a classroom. A few more add-ins on the walls and it would truly feel like a second home for our kids.

I'll probably take some photos one of these days. :)


  1. Hello! It took me ages to get back to my blog and when I found your comment, I am excited to know that someone else here in pp has attempted to homeschool......

    Put both kids into the traditional system, and now thinking of pulling them out again :) I'd love to talk about this more with you!

  2. I have actually met another brood of kids that are being homeschooled.
    P is in a trad school now and enjoying it. He's an only child so the social aspect is really in need. Yours probably is not the same case, eh? :?
