P has started the winter writing before the holidays and had done 4 so far. In an effort to decrease the paper clutter in the future, I thought about digitizing the output this time. I can either let him encode these for typing practice or take photos.
Our last year's winter writing was more on journals to document his first winter here. Last summer was more on basic writing including paragraphs, main ideas, organizing information, and a little bit of comparing, contrasting, cause and effect. This time, I've looked into creative writing within a 15-minute limit. This should be short, easier to accomplish and perhaps, even more fun. Once we've finish this series, I hope to go back and review the basics of paragraph writing and get a little start on essays. I got a book waiting to be used but I'm not sure if it's an appropriate level yet. This book seems to be geared for high school or university level. I may have to keep an eye out for other resources for his level.
This reminds me of some homeschooling efiles that I have in some cds. I'l have to check on that.
For now, I'll have him start the typing project to encode his handwritten ones this winter.